Advertisements for a social message campaign can include: Anti bullying advertisements, Driving Safety advertisements, Donating blood advertisements.
This advertisement is for Anti bullying to try and get awareness and help for the campaign. The techniques used by this particular advertisement consist of Celebrity endorsement from the San Fransisco 49ers as this is a persuasive technique to get attention by using star power. Another technique used is emotional responses; one example of this is they give a solution to a problem by saying "it will get better". The style of the advert is dramatic because there is a very serious and dramatic tone used. The form of the advert is talking heads as we can see many different NFL players talking about the campaign directly to the camera. Common conventions that i could see in this advertisement include the advert telling us about the message of the advertisement, a slogan/catchy phrase "it will get better" and another convention in this advert is music playing. The target of the advertisement is for mainly a young audience as they address the audience directly as if you are young.
This advertisement is for Driving safety and to make people scared of the consequences of driving under the influence. The techniques used in this advert
are overt messages as it directly gives us the message that drug driving will get you locked up. Another technique used is emotional responses such as fear and self perception as a drug user may see themselves doing that and then gain fear due to the fact that police can spot the drug effects. The style of the advert is dramatic due to the serious tone and subject that the advertisement portrays. The form of the advert is narrative as it has a storyline to it. It too is a advert that is part of a series of other 'Think!' adverts. Conventions we see in this advert are the message that drug driving is a crime and serious offence we also see the Think campaigns logo. The advert is clearly appealing to people who own a car and in particular young drivers we can see this as the actors they use are of a younger age.
This advertisement is for driving safety and focuses on people drink driving on the day after. One technique used for this advert is emotional responses such as self perception s many people can refer to them considering driving after 'just a few' pints of beer on the morning after. Another technique used is overt message of the fact that alcohol affects the body in ways which can cause poor driving still on the next day. The style of the advert is quite surreal as it quite strange in the way he is speaking with a voice over from him when he had a drink however it gets the audience attention. The form of the advert is a talking head as we can see a Gentlemen speaking towards the camera. Conventions in this advert include the message being told to us that the body is still affected by alcohol the morning after consuming it. The target audience is clearly people who work as he is a worker in an office that may have had a drink the night before and had to drive to work.
This advertisement is for the donation of blood and other life supporting organs. The techniques used by this campaign is are star power and celebrity endorsement as we see celebrities such as Gary Lineker featuring in the advert to promote the campaign. The style of the advert is dramatic as it covers a serious subject and the music is very slow and dramatic. The form of advert are talking heads as we see a series of different people talking to the camera about their experiences with the campaign. Conventions in this advertisement include music being played to create a mood as well as the message and logo being conveyed at the end of the advertisement. The target audience of this advert are generally adults as it is a mature subject and would be looking to receive donations from adults.
This advertisement is for road safety and focuses on pedestrians crossing the road safely. Techniques used in this advert are hidden and overt messages of crossing the road safe and how it can help you to stay alive. The style of the advert is dramatic but humorous as it covers a serious concept but uses humour due to hedgehogs singing the creative song. The form of this advert is is series as it is part of a series and animation as it is animated. Conventions that this advert show music and/or a catcchy phrase/slogan which is the song. it also shows us the message.